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De Rada Program at Università della Calabria June 2-30 & July 1-28, 2015 (Workshop: July 3-12, 2015) For High School and College Students & for Middle and High School Teachers Studia
l'Italiano e Scopri la Cultura del Mediterraneo
Application form Due on May 3, 2015 You must be 16 by the beginning of the program in order to apply. Late applications may be considered UNICAL: Conference Room Schedule Important Dates for Section I June 2-30, 2015 June 2: Rome Fiumicino Airport arrival and pick up service (am), visit of the Amalfi coast (pm) and arrival at UNICAL (night) June 3: orientation June 4: classes start June 13-14: Magna Grecia Excursion on the Jonion coast June 20: Visit of Reggio Calabria, Tropea or Riace June 27: classes end June 28: Visit of Pompei and Frascati June 29-30: Visit of Rome July 1: Departure from Fiumicino Airport with free transportation service Important Dates for Section II July 1-28, 2015 July 1: Rome Fiumicino Airport arrival and pick up service (am), visit of the Amalfi coast (pm) and arrival at UNICAL (night) July 2: orientation July 3: classes start July 11-12: Magna Grecia Excursion on the Jonion coast July 18: Visit of Reggio Calabria, Tropea or Riace July 25: classes end July 26: Visit of Pompei and Frascati July 27: Visit of Rome July 28: Departure from Fiumicino Airport
Important Dates for the Professional Development Workshop July 3-12, 2015 July 3 (F): Free transportaion service from Lamezia Terme Airport (for those arriving not later than noon); orientation (5.30pm); dinner (btw 7-9.30pm) July 4 (Sa): Excursion to the Beach (morning) and Welcome Dinner (8pm) July 5 (Su): Workshop (8.30am-12:30pm); Visit of Cosenza and Dinner (5-10pm) July 6-10 (M-F): Workshop (8.30-11.30am and 4.30-7.00pm); Breakfast (btw 7-8.30) or lunch (btw 12-3pm) and dinner (btw 7-9.30pm) July 11 (Sa): Workshop (8.30am-12.00pm) Free afternoon or, by request, Excursion to the Beach or to the Sila Mountains; Farewell Dinner (8pm) July 12 (S): Free transportation service to Lamezia Terme Airport (departure hour based on earliest passenger/s flight/s) Applications
welcome from everyone! or national origin.